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Reigate Miniature Rifle & Pistol Club

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Reigate Miniature Rifle & Pistol Club

How to apply

You can get a firearm or shotgun certificate application form from the firearms licensing unit of your local police force.

You must:

  • complete an application form
  • provide 1 passport photograph
  • have 2 referees for a firearm certificate and 1 referee for a shotgun certificate
  • pay the fee for the certificate you are applying for

The fee amounts can be found from the firearms licensing unit of the police force where you live.
You must also prove to the chief officer of police in your area that you’re allowed to have a firearms certificate and pose no danger to public safety or to the peace.

A shotgun certificate won’t be given or renewed if the chief officer of police has a reason that you shouldn’t be allowed to have a shotgun under the Firearms Act.
Or if they don’t think you have a good reason to have, buy or acquire a shotgun or firearm.

A certificate usually lasts 5 years from the date it was issued or renewed.

Legal Stuff




